Chemical Waste Compliance Update
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management conducted a comprehensive hazardous waste inspection on campus on June 2nd. During the course of the inspection, the agency inspected 154 laboratory spaces including those of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Earth Sciences in the School of Science; Cytogenetics, Vascular Biology, Pathology, Neuropathology, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the School of Medicine and the Mineralized Tissue and Histology Research Lab in the School of Dentistry.
Only thee laboratory violations were noted during the inspection. These included containers which had been left open and/or which contained inadequate labeling. The cited items were corrected during the course of the inspection which avoided any further regulatory action.
Nearly all laboratory spaces in the SL/LD buildings were inspected due to the prevalence of deficiencies noted during a 2013 inspection. I am pleased to report that no deficiencies were noted during the June 2nd inspection. Given nature and diversity of the work completed in these buildings, this is remarkable. The positive inspection reflects the conscientious efforts of the faculty and staff within the building. Most notably, it reflects diligent work of Jim Crase and Angela Longfellow (and Kurt Kulhavy previously) who, in addition to their normal responsibilities, serve as laboratory safety coordinators in the Departments of Chemistry and Biology respectively.
Environmental Health and Safety thanks all faculty, staff and students whose efforts help ensure a safe and regulatory-compliant on campus.
