Training Requirements for Laboratory Personnel

If you are working in a laboratory on our campus IUPUI Environmental Health and Safety has several safety training courses available that are free of charge. We offer both instructor led classroom training as well as on-line training. Some of the training programs are required so I have put together this article to help clarify what the training requirements are for laboratory personnel. Please note that I am only discussing training that is offered by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety as there are other offices and departments on our campus that also may require training. Please contact the relevant office or department for more information.
Laboratory Safety Training
Anyone receiving payment from Indiana University for work performed in a laboratory that involves handling laboratory chemicals must take the Indiana University Laboratory Safety Training. This is an initial training that is given upon employment and is required by OSHA. Those who take the class will be registered to receive a quarterly training document and newsletter called Lab Notes. The training is available both in a classroom setting and on-line.
Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Bloodborne Pathogens Training is required by OSHA if you will be handling human blood or body fluids during your work activities in the laboratory. OSHA requires you attend an initial classroom training session as well as an annual refresher training.
New Employee Orientation
New Employee Orientation is required for ALL new staff to the IUPUI Campus. This training will provide new employees with information and resources to provide for a safe work environment. This class is offered in a classroom setting and provides new employees with information and resources to provide for a safe work environment.
Laser Safety Training
Laser Safety Training is required by OSHA if you will be working with class 3b or 4 non-sealed beam lasers in the laboratory. This training is provided on-line and specific training for each laser will also be given by the Principal Investigator.
Biological Safety Training
Biological Safety Training is provided for personnel associated with work in biological laboratories, either for research or teaching purposes. This online training ensures that personnel working in certain laboratories have been trained in basic biological safety principals before conducting work in laboratories at Indiana University. This training is required for all IBC protocols and research that fall under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, and for all personnel working in BSL-1, BSL-2 and BSL-3 laboratories.
Formaldehyde Hazard Communication Training
Formaldehyde Hazard Communication Training is available on-line and was developed to ensure a safe work environment and to protect the health and safety of IU faculty and staff who utilize or are potentially exposed to formaldehyde. All Indiana University faculty and staff who have the potential for exposure to formaldehyde should take this training.
Anesthetic Gas Safety Training
All employees who work with or supervise work with anesthetic gases must complete the on-line Anesthetic Gas Safety Training prior to using any anesthetic gas. The training shall be conducted upon initial assignment and whenever there is a change in process or procedure. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees who work with anesthetic gases and associated equipment have been trained in the proper procedures and use of the equipment.
Shipment of Biological Materials
Shipment of Biological Materials classroom training is a required course for persons shipping biological materials. This course satisfies the Department of Transportation requirements for training. Classroom training is required for the first time this training is taken, allowing refresher training to be taken via the on-line course every two years.
For all available training provided by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety please click here. Please be aware there is a load more training tab at the bottom of the page to view all available training.
Training is an essential piece of laboratory safety that is required by many regulatory bodies so please ensure your training us up to date.
Please contact our office at or 274-2005 if you have any questions. |